Sunday, 5 April 2015

Flavoured yogurt made at home

Guys, I am so kicked i made this at home. This is a hot favourite snack with my kids and I used to buy it by the case in the US. I am thrilled this can be made so easily at home !

  1. Take Half a glass of  warm milk ( 30 mins after boiling roughly) . 
  2. Stir in some Jam. I used Kissan mixed fruit jam.
  3. Set curd as usual.
  4. DONE!
Tip : You can add milk powder to thicken the milk for a heavier set.

Monday, 23 March 2015

Why I believe spanking my kids is wrong

“I am an only child”. The minute people hear that, inside their heads (I think) birds start singing, angels start flying, rainbows spring up everywhere and there is a perennial Santa Claus showering me with candy. My childhood was actually quite the opposite. Raised in a simple lower middle class family, we scrimped and scrounged to get by.  My parents were wonderful and did everything in their capacity to give me the best that they could offer in every single way. However, they were also extremely strict parents and had very particular ideas on what was acceptable and unacceptable. There was very little leeway for goofing around and if I did, there was hell to pay... in the form of a spanking. Having experienced that, when I became a parent, while there were many things I was unsure and confused about, the one thing I was clear about was that, I would not spank my child.  And these are my reasons.

Humiliating: While as a parent, many of us believe that children do not feel certain things at a young age, like humiliation, I distinctly remember feeling humiliated at being spanked. More than the physical pain of being spanked, the idea of being so helpless and at the mercy of another person was humiliating and hurts you on the inside. I did not want any child of mine to feel that agony of helplessness.
Hitting for their own good: Many parents earnestly believe in this justification. That is the only reason they are able to do it . They believe that capital punishment shakes the child into “realizing” their mistake . It is far from the truth. One hits a child, because of one’s own inability to control one’s anger. At that instant, thinking about what is good for the child is almost last on your mind. It is the vent of your fury which is usually the cause of beatings. If you were calm as a parent, you would assess the situation and figure out  WHY the transgression happened in the first place and what you can do to prevent it from happening again.

Yields no long lasting result : When a parent hits a child, the only effect is that the child would think -“ How can I do this in a way as to not get caught again and get a beating” . If that is the lesson that you were going for, then yes hitting is a good parenting tool . However, if you want your child to think about what they did and guide them towards not repeating it, you need to pick a better option than brute force. God knows the number of times I  have hatched evil plans to circumvent all of my father’s rules.
They are too young :  I have seen parents hitting a 2 year old. Yes, the terrible twos are indeed terrible. A child just outgrowing its infancy and entering the phase of toddlerhood and figuring out that even they have a power over adults by doing certain actions. Using your physical force on that tender being is absolutely the most absurd parenting technique. To justify such an act saying they will not understand anything else displays your lack of parenting skills and your inability to control yourself.
Erases the Good : Many parents console themselves by saying, “I may have hit my child, but I am sure he/she understands my intentions are good “.  That is not how a child feels. Spanking your child erases a lot of the good that you might be doing for your child. Their judgment will be clouded by your physical abuse and they will acquire a rebellious attitude. They also feel resentful, helpless and this leads to a loss of self esteem in the child which is the ultimate gift a parent can give a  child- Self esteem built through unconditional love.

 A child’s future  success in the real world will not be about the stars they got on  their report card, the number of trophies they accumulated or the National Rank that they procured. It is the result of the choices that they make later on in life for happiness. Those decision will be based on their self esteem. I believe that for a healthy personal esteem building, spanking is definitely not the way to go. 

Monday, 9 February 2015

A case for Tiger moms

My best friend's daughter today won the Gymnastics State Championship in New Jersey, USA.  She was so incredibly happy and proud of her daughter and by extension so was I.  I bragged to all my friends that my best friend’s daughter was the champion... Simply because I knew her journey to this place. It has taken incredible commitment on the part of her and her husband. Committing to this sport is not just a lot of dollars( A lot!!), but a hell a lot of commitment in terms of one's personal time and effort. It is literally blood, sweat and tears.  To hold a full time job, come home from work and chauffeur your child three times a week to the gym for a 3 hour practice session....try to get your grocery shopping done in that time, run a few errands -Return at 9pm, feed your kid, check for homework emergencies of the other kid! , read to the child at night (can’t skip on the mental development can we ??) and then collapse onto  your bed…. Only to rise at 5:30 am and begin the drill all over again. I am very proud of my friend, Tiger mom A. 

But Tiger moms are getting a bad rap these days. Some may call me one too. There are many versions of tiger parenting. And of course there are always extremes in every situation. “Over scheduling” “Robbing their childhood” “Pressurising” are some of the  words tiger parents have to hear . It is very easy for the … let’s call them “ Chilled out” moms to put themselves on a pedestal and berate the tiger moms.  The amount  of thought and effort that tiger moms put into their children’s lives is  huge. They set aside their comforts- driving in the traffic, in the snow.. Waking up super early to chauffeur  the kids to practice… making  the child practice when they are not particularly feeling up to it..incentivising, bribing, threatening.... because children will be children. These moms ( and I use the term moms loosely  to mean a parent)  are constantly looking at ways to give their children the best opportunities at the cost of their own relaxation, leisure or free time. Their lives revolve around their children . All those opportunities that they did not have or could not afford , they want to give their children. It takes 10,000  hours for one to become an expert at something. Research has shown that piano virtuosos are not those who have the  talent but those who put in the hours. To recognize that your child has the ability and to get them to that point cannot be done without the passionate commitment of a parent. Every child needs to be goaded onto that tipping point where practice meets passion and they can take off on their own wings. We have seen enough spelling bee competitions on tv to witness the winner’s parent mouthing the spelling along with the child or knowing , even as the word is being asked whether their child knows it or not. Only a parent who has been there will know how incredibly frustrating and impossible it is to get a child to do something that they are not interested in. Children… will be children. And yet, instead of  watching their favourite TV show or going shopping, tiger moms sit with their kids as they practice.. coz they believe that their child has the spark to excel at it.   

When one is a child, the brain is fresh and young and the body is nimble and adaptable. Roller skating, swimming, skiing – only an adult who has tried to learn these things at a later stage in life knows how incredibly difficult it is to learn these skills without injury as an adult . If your child has shown a musical inclination, then yes tiger moms will want to chauffeur them to the best teacher in town- give them the best opportunity. Since when is that a crime ?  If the parents who do nothing that is beyond their zone of comfort believe for a second that these parents don’t hold the happiness of their children above everything else, they are deluding themselves. But.. honestly I don’t care for your delusions. But don’t judge me.. don’t tell me I am over scheduling my children, don’t snort derisively when I am chauffeuring my child around when believe me, I would also like nothing better on a Saturday morning than to kick back with a nice novel and a hot cup of coffee on my balcony enjoying the sunshine.  I don’t care what your idea of raising children is , but today, when my child can listen to her favourite pop song and play it immediately on the piano and revel in her music, I know, I have done good by her. When her self esteem gets kicked up a few notches when she is called upon to perform on stage , I know I have done good by her. When my son wins a trophy for sports and comes home beaming a champion, I know I have done good by him. Everything in life takes effort.  And to each his own. If you believe in doing nothing, Do nothing. Just don't judge me.